Last week, Geraldine Murphy had the pleasure of presenting work from the Effective Nature Laws project at the Sixth Biennial Conference of The Standing Group on Regulatory Governance of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). The conference, which was held in the University of Tilbrug in the Netherlands, is the leading interdisciplinary conference on regulation and regulatory governance held in Europe. Included in its programme was work that originated from all over the globe and that focussed on a wide range of disciplines including political science, law, accounting, business, sociology, economics, international relations, anthropology, public administration, and other related disciplines. Given its strongly interdisciplinary focus, the Effective Nature Laws project fit well into the theme of the conference. Our work will benefit greatly from the insights and comments of the attendees at the “Instruments of regulatory enforcement” session, as well as from the information obtained through the many intriguing papers, and presenters, at the conference.